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  • 植物志库物种详情决明Cassia tora

    药用英文名: CASSIA TORA 药用中文名: 决明 药用别名: 马蹄决明、假绿豆、夜关门、夜合草 来源图书: 伏牛山药用植物志 第五卷(上册) 来源层级: 豆科 / 决明

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  • 决明Cassia tora Linn. _植物通

    2019.10.14  原产美洲热带地区,现全世界热带、亚热带地区广泛分布。 其种子叫决明子,有清肝明目、利水通便之功效,同时还可提取蓝色染料;苗叶和嫩果可食。 形态特征: 亚灌木状草本,高达2m;茎上部有疏毛。 偶数羽状复

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  • rectifieuse cassia tora - latelierdariane

    THE PROBABLE MEDICINAL USAGE OF CASSIA TORA. Cassia tora (C. tora ) is a small shrub budding as weed in Asian and African countries. It is a known edible leafy vegetable taken up

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  • Cassia Obtusifolia L. 决明子 (Juemingzi, Semen Cassiae)

    2015.1.1  Semen Cassiae, called Juemingzi in Chinese, is the seeds of the L. plant, an annual semi-shrubby herb about 0.5–2 m tall. The color of Semen Cassiae is light brown.

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  • Cassia Tora Linn: Importance and Properties: A Review

    2021.7.27  Cassia tora Linn. Leguminosae is an annual herbaceous fetid herb which is mostly found in South East Asia and the South West Pacific as an important weed. It is one of

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  • Evaluation of Cassia Tora for Proximate Composition

    2 天之前  Wild senna (Senna tora) or Cassia Tora commonly called as Séné sauvage, sickle senna is rich in proteins and carbohydrates. It is an intrusive plant that is unpalatable for

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  • Cassia tora L. - iPlant 植物智

    我国长江以南各省区普遍分布。 生于山坡、旷野及河滩沙地上。 原产美洲热带地区,现全世界热带、亚热带地区广泛分布。 其种子叫决明子,有清肝明目、利水通便之功效,同时还可提取

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  • Cassia species: A review of traditional uses, phytochemistry

    2023.11.1  Cassia species have a long history of utilization in various traditional medicine systems worldwide, and they are widely consumed for medicinal purposes, particularly the officinal species.

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  • The probable medicinal usage of Cassia tora: An overview

    2013.4.17  The chloroform, methanol and aqueous extract of leaves of Cassia tora L. showed antibacterial activity (0-5000 μg/ml) against 38, 58 and 29 bacterial strains respectively out of 120 various ...

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  • Exploring the Multifaceted Advantages of Cassia Tora:

    2024.1.12  The Dynamic Evolution of Cassia Tora’s Usage Over Time. As societies evolved, so did the applications of Cassia Tora. Transitioning from its primarily medicinal origins, it found its way into an array of industries, including agriculture, cosmetics, and the culinary sector, thereby contributing significantly to various facets of human life.

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  • Multiple pharmacological properties and uses of an edible herb - Cassia ...

    2021.11.1  Cassia tora, also known as Senna Tora, Foetid Cassia, Sickle Senna, Wild Senna in English, and Charota, Chakvad, Chakava t in Hindi, and Chakramard in Sanskrit, is an herb that grows in wastelan ds.

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  • Cassia Tora Linn: Importance and Properties: A Review

    2021.7.27  C.tora with flowering twigs and C.tora seeds Cassia Tora – Seed (Description) Macroscopical Peculiarities Color-light brown Odour-odourless Taste-bitter Size-length 3-6 mm Thickness 2-4 mm Shape-elongated, ovoid and obliquely pointed Texture-smooth Microscopical Aspects (Raghunathan K et al1982,199-213) Testa: [A] Outer integument:

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  • The probable medicinal usage of Cassia tora: an overview

    2013.4.17  Cassia tora L. (Fabaceae), an essential medicinal plant (shrub) is frequently found as an annual weed in Asian and African nations. Asians are known to eat this leafy vegetable.

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  • Cassia Tora, ingrédient détox et minceur 100% naturel

    Le cassia Tora favorise la digestion, la perte de poids et possède un effet laxatif. C'est un ingrédient de votre cure minceur et détox Happy Detox Tea. Livraison gratuite dans le monde à partir de 10€ - Rejoignez la communauté Happy Detox Tea - Déjà plus de 100 000 envois dans plus de 30 pays. Recherche.

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  • Exploring the Medicinal Uses of Cassia Tora: A Natural

    Cassia Tora paste can be applied topically to soothe skin irritations. Dosage. It is essential to use Cassia Tora in moderation, as excessive consumption may lead to side effects. Consultation. Consulting a healthcare professional before using Cassia Tora is advisable, especially if you have underlying health conditions. Where to Find Cassia Tora

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  • Cassia tora – description – eFlore – Tela Botanica

    Cassia tora L. Description Baseflor : Aucune donnée. Description collaborative : Participez à la rédaction collaborative de cette description, un double clic dans le cadre suffit pour compléter ou corriger la page . Générale Participez à l'écriture collaborative de la description générale du taxon

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  • Cassia tora L. - iPlant 植物智

    《中国植物志》全书80卷126册,5000多万字。记载了我国301科3408属31142种 植物的科学名称、形态特征、生态环境、地理分布、经济用途和物候期等。该书基于全国80余家科研教学单位的312位作者和164位绘图人员80.的工作积累、45.艰辛编撰才得以最终 ...

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  • Phytochemical and Biological Potential of Cassia tora Linn.

    2014.1.10  This paper encompasses a comprehensive review on phytochemical and biological aspects of Cassia tora L. tora, well known for having potential in traditional medicine practices for the treatment of a variety of disorders and ailments ranging from simple cough, hypertension to diabetes. Cassia tora Linn. (Caesalpinaceae) is a semi-wild annual herb

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  • Cassia tora L. - World Flora Online

    Annual herb or small shrub up to about 1 m. tall, the branches glabrous or nearly so. Leaves moderately small, normally 6-foliolate; petiole angled, sub- glabrous, flattened or sulcate above, 1-3 cm. long; rachis similar and about as long, bearing between the lowermost pair of leaflets a linear-subulate gland about 2 mm. long; stipules linear-subulate, about 1 cm. long, caducous

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  • Phytochemistry, pharmacology and multifarious activity of Cassia tora

    2022.12.31  Cassia tora L. (Fabaceae), an essential medicinal plant (shrub) is frequently found as an annual weed in Asian and African nations. Asians are known to eat this leafy vegetable. Different portions ...

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  • Aliment bétail au Mali: La fane de Cassia Tora aussi efficace

    2019.10.28  En rendement carcasse, l’expérience a montré une moyenne de 46,49% pour la Ration R2, c’est-à-dire la ration qui comporte 50% de fane de Cassia tora. Tandis que ce rendement était de 43,59% pour la ration témoin (RT, avec coton et arachide) et 45,79% pour la ration R1 (Coton, arachide et cassia tora).

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  • Cassia Tora - Happy Detox Tea

    Cassia Tora ist eine Pflanze, die in Indien und Südostasien zuhause ist. Cassia Tora ist bekann für seine vielen heilenden Eigenschaften. Es ist ein wildes Kraut, das zwischen 30 und 90 cm hoch wächst und dessen Blätter bis zu 5cm lang werden können. Die Wurzeln, Blätter und Samen werden oft in der Naturmedizin verwendet, vor allem in der ...

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    2019.8.18  Methanolic extract of the leaves of Cassia tora was evaluated for its hepatoprotective potentials in rats by inducing hepatotoxicity with carbon tetrachloride. The extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg ...

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  • Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacological Uses, Biological Activities

    Abstract. Cassia obtusifolia L., of the Leguminosae family, is used as a diuretic, laxative, tonic, purgative, and natural remedy for treating headache, dizziness, constipation, tophobia, and lacrimation and for improving eyesight. It is commonly used in tea in Korea. Various anthraquinone derivatives make up its main chemical constituents: emodin, chrysophanol,

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  • Phytochemical and Biological Potential of Cassia tora

    2024.2.4  C. tora is commonly known as Foetida cassia, Sickle senna, Sickle , Coffee pod , Chakvad , Ktanta , Charota and Chakramarda in India. C. tora is a stout,

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