brique pilée dans la construction

  • Assessing the sustainability of phosphorus use in China: Flow

    2020.2.20  China is suffering from the depletion of high-quality phosphate rock, and there is severe environmental damage caused by the low phosphorus utilization efficiency. Globally,

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  • Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and

    2014.11.1  This paper presents the environmental impacts caused by surface mining and the ecological rehabilitation of Haikou phosphate deposits, Kunming, China. Surface mining

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  • Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and

    The purpose of this paper is (1) to show the environmental impacts and the geological hazards caused by surface mining in the phosphate deposit and (2) to present the methods of ecological...

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  • Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and

    Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and ecological restoration: a case history in Kunming, China ... , Suksun 3; XU, Ye-Shuang 2; ZHOU, Qing-Hong 1 4 [1] School of

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  • Ecological footprint analysis of the phosphorus industry in China

    Environmental impact of phosphorus industry in China. China is the largest PR-producing country in the world (USGS 2021), and approximately 70% of the PR mined in China is used for PF

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  • Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and

    This paper presents the environmental impacts caused by surface mining and the ecological rehabilitation of Haikou phosphate deposits, Kunming, China. Surface mining entails the

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  • [PDF] Environmental impact of phosphate mining and

    2018.7.5  Application of multivariate methods and hydrochemical model to evaluate industrial mine water discharges from the phosphate beneficiation process, Eshidiya mine,

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  • Analysis for Green Mine (phosphate) performance of China:

    2015.12.1  Green Mine has become a common plan of Green Mining in China since 2003. Phosphate mining is noticeably important for agriculture. Despite mining technologies made a

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  • Environmental impacts of phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater ...

    2018.3.1  Phosphorus mining from phosphate rock is associated with economic as well as environmental concerns. Through phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater, countries

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  • Impact of phosphate mining and separation of mined

    2016.2.1  Study of impact of phosphate mining on hydrology and water environment. • Large-scale phosphate mining (PM) reduced runoff and runoff peaks. • Pollutants of TN, SS, and TP increased with the mining scale. • PM reduced the amount of background NH 4 + and TN loads into rivers. • Soluble P from dissolution of apatite is of great ...

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  • Ecological footprint analysis of the phosphorus industry in China

    Environmental impact of phosphorus industry in China. China is the largest PR-producing country in the world (USGS 2021), and approximately 70% of the PR mined in China is used for PF production (Shang et al. 2021). PR mining, but particularly, later compound fertilizer production is energy-intensive.

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  • Environmental impacts caused by phosphate mining and

    2017.8.25  The mining waste is dumped by large trucks into a nearby hollow. 3.2 Environmental impacts The mining of the phosphate rock entails the removal of the overburden to expose bare phosphate rock surfaces, thereby causing severe disturbance to the pre-existing ecosys-tems. Failure to timely rehabilitate after the phosphate rock had been mined out, had

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  • Environmental impact of phosphate mining and beneficiation: review

    2018.1.1  While dissolution of phosphate rocks and the formation of acidic and highly saline wastewater for fertilizers production has been recognized as one of the potential environmental risks of ...

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  • Frontiers Environmental impact analysis of lithium iron phosphate ...

    2024.2.27  Keywords: lithium iron phosphate, battery, energy storage, environmental impacts, emission reductions. Citation: Lin X, Meng W, Yu M, Yang Z, Luo Q, Rao Z, Zhang T and Cao Y (2024) Environmental impact analysis of lithium iron phosphate batteries for energy storage in China. Front. Energy Res. 12:1361720. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2024.1361720

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  • Analysis for Green Mine (phosphate) performance of China:

    2015.12.1  Green Mine has become a common plan of Green Mining in China since 2003. Phosphate mining is noticeably important for agriculture. Despite mining technologies made a great progress, resources depletion and mining produced environmental problems are still very severe in many developing countries.

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  • Sustainable phosphate mining: Enhancing efficiency in mining

    2024.5.1  Sustainable phosphate mining: Enhancing efficiency in mining and pre-beneficiation processes ... The implications of this research extend to sustainable mining practices, with direct ramifications for environmental impact mitigation and the conservation of valuable resources. ... Moreover China, which holds 2.6% of phosphate reserves (Jasinski ...

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  • Sustainable phosphate mining: Enhancing efficiency in mining

    2024.4.9  Moreover China, which holds 2.6% of phosphate reserves ( Jasinski, 2023 ) and used to export 30% of the phosphate world trade ( Emily and Dominique, 2022 ), banned, then limited its export over the

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  • Estimating the environmental impacts of global lithium-ion

    2023.11.28  Conversely, the greatest GHG emissions could be achieved by mining and refining nickel in Indonesia, mining and refining lithium in China, and assembling the battery in China, resulting in a total GHG emission of 85 kgCO 2 eq/kWh, an increase of more than 10% compared to the current global-average production. This suggests that there is ...

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  • Environmental impacts of phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater ...

    2018.3.1  Not all environmental impacts were taken into account in this study and other work indicates further benefits from P recovery, i.e. reduction in eutrophication potential (reduced phosphate rock mining and therefore lower P water emissions from mining (Remy and Jossa, 2015), mitigation of Cd and U input into agricultural soils (Bigalke et al ...

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  • [PDF] Environmental impact of phosphate mining and

    2018.7.5  Phosphorus is common within geological materials. The average continental crust contains 0.27% P2O5. 1 Phosphorus is the primary resources to produce fertilizer and phosphorous-based products.2 Phosphorus is neither substitutable nor recyclable, therefore, the total demand must be provided through the mining, beneficiation and chemical processing of

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  • Phosphate rock: origin, importance, environmental impacts,

    2016.6.24  Phosphate rock (PR) is an important mineral resource with numerous uses and applications in agriculture and the environment. PR is used in the manufacture of detergents, animal feed, and phosphate (PO43–) fertilizers. Leaching or runoff losses from PR products like PO43– fertilizers, animal feeds, and detergents could cause eutrophication of surface waters

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  • Impact of phosphate mining and separation of mined

    2016.2.1  Impact of phosphate mining and separation of mined materials on the hydrology and water environment of the Huangbai River basin, China ... Understanding the environmental impacts associated with mining has become an issue of global importance (Cooke and Johnson, 2002, Bridge, 2004, Meck et al., 2011, Muncy et al., 2014, Zegre et al., 2014 ...

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  • Environmental impact of phosphate mining and

    Although the subject of mining and its environmental impacts are very wide to be covered in this review, concerns about the impact of phosphate mining and processing typically emphasis on its potential effects on water pollution, air pollution, and human health were accessed. We reviewed published information at different stages of mining; current mines, closed old mines and

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  • Mining and Concentration: What Mining to What Costs and

    2014.1.1  China’s phosphate rock exports have decreased to less than 0.8 Mt in 2011, from 5 Mt in 2001. ... 2.2 Environmental and Social Impacts. Phosphate mining, as with all mining, impacts the environment and society. The extent of impacts depends on the resource mined, the sensitivity of the receiving environment, social situation, formal and ...

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  • Waste rock reprocessing to enhance the sustainability of phosphate ...

    2022.12.25  The economic profitability of reprocessing creates job opportunities with offering a healthy and safe work environment. The phosphate industry could ensure environmental protection by reducing: i) CO 2 and dust emissions during extraction and transport, ii) mine waste (water, tailings, waste rock), and iii) energy consumption.

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  • Human-Dominated Land Use Change in a Phosphate Mining

    2022.3.29  The Peace River is a critical water source in southwest Florida, United States. The watershed contains many phosphate mines that decrease water safety. Whether phosphate mining leads to a reduction in surface runoff and affects water quality in the Peace River Basin has been a highly controversial subject. Thus, the environmental impacts of phosphate mining

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  • Recycling phosphorus from waste in China: Recycling

    2023.1.1  China is the largest phosphate rock consumer and producer in the world. China holds 4.5% of global phosphate reserve and produce 39% of global phosphate rock annually (USGS 2022).In the past 60 years, the amount of P discharged into water by crop farming, livestock and poultry breeding and aquaculture has increased fourfold (Liu et al., 2016; Liu et

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  • Smoothing the Phosphorus Resource Stress under the

    2024.4.11  Phosphorus (P) is the key in maintaining food security and ecosystem functions. Population growth and economic development have increased the demand for phosphate rocks. China has gradually developed from zero phosphate mining to the world’s leading P miner, fertilizer, and agricultural producer since 1949. China released policies, such as designating

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